*Click here for our August "Inspiration Photo" Challenge!*
It's time to reveal the winners of our JULY "Altered Embellishment" Challenge! You guys keep making it so hard to choose winners. There are so many good projects to choose from! Thank you
all SO MUCH for continuing to join our monthly challenges. (Don't forget to follow our rules in the challenge posts. We had several contenders for winning that were disqualified because the rules weren't followed.) You can view
the gallery of July entries here.
The winner of our July "Altered Embellishment" challenge is Inkybliss with her fabulously altered and grungy project! Please grab your winner's badge below and display it proudly on your blog!
Now it's time for our Honorable Mentions.
Please grab your Honorable Mention badge below!

And the winner of the $30 Gift Certificate + free shipping to the UmWow Studio store is #54, ScrapSensations! Please send an e-mail to mixedmediamonthly@gmail.com with subject line MMMC July Winner by August 15, 2017. Congrats!
Yippee! Thank you so much, ladies, for the Honorable Mention! Congratulations to the winners and the other Honorable Mentions! Such wonderful projects!